Sprinkler System Service

Our sprinkler service technicians care for the proper and efficient operation of your sprinkler system.

Using Water Efficiently

Full Service and Repair.

Sprinkler start-ups, seasonal monitoring, backflow certification and blow-outs.


Breaks, geysers, stuck valves, root-pinches, dry spots


Renovation of the System

Diagnosis and improvement, adding zones, boosting pressure    


City water, pressurized irrigation, open ditch pumps, and other water sources.


Spring Sprinkler Startup

The entire system is turned on and inspected, including a head-to-head cleaning and adjustment of all zones; main, drain, and timer operation.       


Timer & System Checks

Sprinklers are dynamic systems that require some continual adjustment and timing changes during the year. A quick visit when the summer heat is on goes a long way to wise water use.

Backflow Certification

Our technicians are qualified and licensed to complete backflow certification, repairs and upgrades.


Sprinkler blowouts for the winter should be done carefully to prevent freeze damage. We schedule you at your convenience and stand by our work.

We’ve Been Caring for Sprinklers for Over 20 Years

  • Licensed professional staff
  • Member- The Idaho Nursery & Landscape Assn (INLA)
  • Member- Idaho Pest Management Assn (IPMA)
  • Staff Arborist- Internat’l Society of Arboriculture (ISA)

Call For a Quote:

(208) 345-5495

Contact Us

What do you need help with?

P.O. Box 8211 Boise, ID 83707



2024 Fall and Winter Residential Services


Season’s Greetings!

The staff at Terravita Landscape and Gardening is proud to offer the following services for the upcoming fall and winter seasons: 

Fall Leaf and Debris Cleanup 

Ornamental and Fruit Tree Pruning  

Shrub and Perennial Pruning 

Bulb Planting 

Tree and Shrub Fertilization and Lawn Aerations 

Pre-Emergent Applications (Lawn Weed Control) 

Holiday Lighting (Rooflines and Tree Wraps) 

Holiday Container Gardens (Custom, Holiday-Themed Pots and Arrangements) 

Winter Watering 

Sprinkler Winterizations 

Landscape Design and Consultation 

Residential Snow Removal and Ice Melt Applications 

Hardscape Installations 

Some notes of interest: Winter is often the best time to prune ornamental trees and shrubs. 

(Especially fruit trees).  Winter watering is essential to late fall plantings and newly established evergreen species.  (Especially during cold, dry winters). Winter is also a great time to plan next season’s project. We specialize in creative landscape renovations.   

To discuss your property’s specific needs or to schedule a consultation, please call our office at 208345-5495 or email us at services@terravitaidaho.com. 


Happy Holidays from Terravita Landscape and Gardening!

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